Who is John C. Warren Jr:

I was born in London, Kentucky while my parents were visiting family, we returned to Indianapolis where my Mother resumed her career at Western Electric and my Father started a small trucking company, later working for Ford Motor Co. Both retired after more than a quarter of century of service to their employers. I have enjoyed living in and serving the residents of Indianapolis for all but the first 2 weeks of my life.

I attended Indianapolis Public School # 78 and was active in the school's print shop and stage production departments.


I attended Arsenal Technical High School and was active in the J.R.O.T.C. program.         

My professional background includes experience in Law Enforcement, Commercial Manufacturing, and Warehouse Operations. I have been the Republican Precinct Committeeman in my neighborhood, Ward 25 Precinct 13, for many years, and was elected to the Center Township Board District 5 in November of 2000.

I believe that this wide range of experience qualifies me to look after the interests of the residents of Center Township District Five with a keen insight towards better government.

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Copyright © 2002  Citizens for John C. Warren Jr.